Ecommerce AI platform

Automate 60%+ of your support with AI and grow your brand

Get easy to set up AI that you are in control of that delivers fast, relevant, accurate, and on-brand answers to your customers. Automate at least 30% of your support in your first 30 days.

24/7 availability
Dollars Saved
Vs. agent cost
Av. Resolution Time
Down from last month
CSAT Score
3.46 Industry average
Upgrade your CX by resolving basic requests with AI automation and freeing your team to focus on complex interactions.
Helping 15,000 ecommerce brands automate CX with the power of AI.
Coming soon

Get ready to say hello to your new team member

Built on your own knowledge base, data and integrations, upgrade your team with a fully autonomous AI Agent that can instantly answer tickets, perform actions and match your brand's tone of voice

Join the waitlist today

Everything you need to automate your 
support and provide exceptional CX

Flows / Quick Responses

Scale up your customer support, without the added costs.

Build custom, interactive conversation flows to offer on-brand answers, recommendations, and solutions. Personalize your CX without the effort.

Help Center
Contact Form

Article Recommendations

Provide customers the right answer, fast.

Instantly answer common support questions with AI Chat to exceed customer expectations. Built using your own help center and data – and nothing else – ensuring information accuracy.


Order Management

Self-serve order management, built to exceed expectations

Empower customers with the ability to see real-time order status, request refunds and cancellations, and report issues all without waiting for an agent.

Help Center
Contact Form

AI Autoresponders

Empower your team to solve more customer issues without spending more time.

Leverage AI to identify and automatically close spam tickets, process refund requests, and send tracking links. Provide instant answers and declutter your email inbox – allowing your team to focus on building loyalty and retention.


Track AI Performance

Easily track and adjust your automation performance

Understand the impact of Automation on your team and bottom line with AI you fully control. Track automation rate, time saved, customer time saved and more to maximize the potential of automation.

Boost your CX without boosting your spend

See for yourself how Automate shaves 30% off your Resolution and First Response times, and saves an estimated $0 per month.
See how Automate’s instant answers improve your CX while saving your team time and money. Based on results from real Automate users.
Number of:
Agent wages
All wages in USD. Keep in mind, this doesn't include taxes and other employer fees, making human support even more expensive.
Estimated savings from automating 30% of support instead of paying agents to handle all tickets.
Monthly cost to answer support tickets:
Without Automate
With Automate
Save  35%
Current First Response Time
On average, brands using Automate respond to customers 30% faster than before using Automate.
Current Resolution Time
On average, brands using Automate resolve customer issues 30% faster than before using Automate.
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The Gorgias AI Roadmap for 2024

Our goal is to help all ecommerce brands fully automate 60% of their CX. Here is what we’re building to make that possible.

We believe that successful automation means your team will shift from answering tickets to coaching and monitoring AI. This doesn’t mean that humans are removed from the equation. Instead Agents will spend time improving automation and being proactive with customers to help them find the right products and drive revenue for your brand.

With Automate, get AI that is easy-to-use and set up