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GPT agent talilored to each ecommerce merchant!
Get Started With Gorgias
We use SaaS price model - charge on usage, no string attached. The standard engine starts at as low as $0.05 per message, while the enhanced engine (based on GPT-4) is $0.30 per message.

Imagine an advanced AI specifically designed for your business, possessing the same knowledge as you do. Built on top of GPT, this AI generates leads and assists customers, allowing you to concentrate on driving business growth.

Ideal for (1) Sales lead generation / qualification; (2) Customer service:

  • 10 mins to create a GPT-enabed AI that tailored to your business and reflects your brand voice
  • Turn your assets into productivity and cost saving, instantly
  • Seamlessly collaborate with your human team on one platform
  • Get started for FREE! No installation fees! Cost mere pennies to use
  • Auto-tag the conversations for effortless organization and prioritization
  • Automate conversation into action through our smart API technology

Supercharge your growth with AI today!