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The form solution for any developer
Get Started With Gorgias
Free for up to 50 form submissions per month. Gorgias plugin requires an upgrade to the Professional plan or higher ($30/mo or $20/mo for yearly subscriptions).

Formspree allows you to create and manage form endpoints, letting you build fully custom forms without managing a server. Formspree provides an inbox of form submissions, spam filtering, and integrations to connect your form with various services, such as Gorgias, email notifications and responses, Google Sheets and more.

Collect submissions and create tickets in your support helpdesk, including the contact name, email, and other data that you consider important.

Fight spam with Formshield, our machine-learning based spam filter that's battle-tested on millions of submissions.

Send notifications via email, slack or discord, and build workflows that connect to other productivity tools such as google sheets, airtable and more.